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Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are enduring patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience that deviate significantly from the expectations of an individual's culture. These patterns are inflexible, pervasive, and lead to distress or impairment. Common types include borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Persistent difficulties in personal relationships
  • Unstable moods and emotions
  • Distorted self-image
  • Impulsive and self-destructive behaviors

Our Psychologists would discuss the best form of treatment for you but two of the most commonly used are Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial. Reach out to our mental health professionals for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan.


Mental wellness has an influence on the functioning of many life aspects such as productivity, relationships and the overall quality of life. At Epic Milestones Psychological Services, we play a dual role in mental health services: • Providing Psychological Care Therapy • Expert Witness Psychological Assessments and Reports

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